Press Review for Roger's December 9 show in Quebec at Grand Théâtre de Québec - "Roger Hodgson has transported his audience to the best years of Supertramp."
Approximate English translation here with original in French below.

A musical journey filled with emotions
Roger Hodgson revives the Supertramp
Yves Leclerc, December 9, 2015

Photo Le Journal de Québec, Stevens LeBlanc
Roger Hodgson and his four musicians revives the best years of Supertramp in a Louis-Fréchette
venue filled to capacity.
Timeless songs, a unique tone of voice, emotions and chills. Roger Hodgson has transported his audience in the best years of Supertramp Wednesday at the Grand Théâtre de Québec.
Former founding member of the famous British band, which was adopted from the start in Quebec, delivered a generous provision of two hours in a Louis-Fréchette
venue that was sold out.
Greeted by a standing
ovation when he arrived on stage, Roger Hodgson
and his four musicians have launched the evening
with Take the Long Way Home from the album Breakfast in America.
Alternating between keyboards, piano and guitars,
the multi-instrumentalist of 65 has been kind enough to speak French, even if
he is sometimes
lost for words.
"All the songs I wrote talk
about moments of my life. I
hope that one or two songs
will make you relive some
memories. Life is not easy
now, leave your problems
outside and celebrate life,"
he said before starting the
classic School.
Roger Hodgson drew mainly
from his years with Supertramp,
inserting here and there, a
few pieces of his solo
career, which does not clash however, with In Jeopardy, Lovers in the Wind, Along Came Mary and Death and a Zoo.
He says he might have changed the title to Breakfast in America Breakfast in Québec, if he had known
of the place.
"I was 19 when I wrote this song. It happened in an hour," he mentioned.
Dreamer raises the
The first big moment of the evening was the superb performance of Hide in Your Shell, full of chills, which ended with a standing ovation. A
song, he recounted, which helped him through difficult times.
After returning from an intermission that broke the rhythm of the evening, Roger Hodgson revisited Child of Vision, Babaji, a
fully emotional version of Even in the Quietest Moments, the "hit" Dreamer, which launched Supertramp and that raised a crowd that was a tad shy, followed by the grand and progressive Fool's Overture.
He had saved for last, as a reminder, the Two of Us and the inevitable Give a Little Bit.
The voice of Roger Hodgson is the accuracy of great years, but it is always filled with emotion. Great songs, good music and memories of youth and adolescence. Former Supertramp delivered the goods.
French ~
Un voyage musical rempli d’émotions
Roger Hodgson fait revivre les années Supertramp
Roger Hodgson et ses quatre musiciens ont fait revivre les belles années de Supertramp dans une salle Louis-Fréchette remplie à pleine capacité.
Chansons intemporelles, un timbre de voix unique, des émotions et des frissons. Roger Hodgson a transporté son auditoire dans les belles années de Supertramp, mercredi, au Grand-Théâtre de Québec.
L’ex-membre fondateur de la célèbre formation britannique, qui a été adoptée dès ses débuts au Québec, a livré une généreuse prestation de deux heures dans une salle Louis-Fréchette qui affichait complet.
Salués par une ovation à son arrivée sur les planches, Roger Hodgson et ses quatre musiciens ont lancé
la soirée avec Take the Long
Way Home de l’album Breakfast in America.
Alternant entre les claviers, le piano et les guitares, le multi-instrumentiste de 65 ans a eu la délicatesse de s’exprimer en français, même s’il cherchait parfois ses mots.
«Toutes les chansons que j’ai écrites parlent des moments de ma vie. J’espère qu’une ou deux chansons vont vous faire revivre quelques souvenirs. La vie n’est pas facile maintenant, laissez vos problèmes à l’extérieur et célébrons la vie», a-t-il lancé avant d’entamer le classique School.
Roger Hodgson a puisé principalement dans ses années avec Supertramp, insérant, ici et là, quelques pièces de sa carrière solo, qui ne détonnait pas du reste, avec les In Jeopardy, Lovers in the Wind, Along Came Mary et Death and a Zoo.
Il raconte qu’il aurait peut-être changé le titre de Breakfast in America pour Breakfast in Québec, s’il avait connu l’endroit.
«J’avais 19 ans lorsque j’ai écrit cette chanson. Ça s’est fait en une heure», a-t-il mentionné.
Dreamer soulève le public
Le premier gros moment de la soirée a été la superbe interprétation d’Hide in Your Shell, remplie de frissons, qui s’est terminée avec une ovation. Une pièce, a-t-il raconté, qui l’a aidé à traverser des moments difficiles.
Au retour d’un entracte qui a brisé le rythme de la soirée, Roger Hodgson a revisité les Child of Vision, Babaji, une version remplie d’émotion d’Even in the Quietest Moments, le «hit» Dreamer, qui a lancé Supertramp et qui a soulevé une foule qui était un tantinet timide, suivie de la grandiose et progressive Fool’s Overture.
Il avait gardé pour la fin, en rappel, les Two of Us et l'incontournable Give a Little Bit.
La voix de Roger Hodgson n’a plus la précision des belles années, mais elle est toujours remplie d’émotion. De grandes chansons, de la bonne musique et des souvenirs de jeunesse et d’adolescence. L’ex-Supertramp a livré la marchandise.
Cliquez ici pour l'article original:
Un voyage musical rempli d’émotions | |
Enjoy this additional press review from Roger's show in Quebec at Grand Théâtre de Québec on December 9 - "Hodgson had not even played a note before he had received a standing ovation. Suddenly, the leader put the crowd in the palm of his hand and kept them there until the end of the concert."
Approximate English translation here with original in French below.

December 9, 2015

(Québec) CRITIQUE / The Logical Song, Dreamer, Even In The Quietest Moments... The Roger Hodgson repertoire is such that it can easily build a concert by combining the great successes. And that's exactly what he did Wednesday at the Grand Theatre, to the delight of his fans.
From his 65 years, Hodgson always shows great shape. Certainly, time has made his long hair go gray and weathered his face, but his voice as well as its playing remained intact. Also, the co-founder of Supertramp had no trouble defending his song catalog.
Hodgson had not played a note before he had received a standing ovation. This shows how he was expected by the spectators who packed the place to the rafters ... Surrounded by four skilled accomplices, he put the machine on with
Take The Long Way Home followed with Hodgson's School, of the album Crime of the Century, the machine began to run at full speed. Suddenly, the leader put the crowd in the palm of his hand and kept them there until the end of the concert.
In French
Between two parts, the Brit adopted by America tried to speak in French and did not fail to slip a few jokes that drew smiles. Thus, in prelude to
Breakfast In America, he told that when he was living in England, he dreamed of California simply because he did not yet know Quebec. Also, his hit
Breakfast In America could very well have been called Breakfast in Quebec!
The singer, pianist, and guitarist got it deftly in his bag of songs, opting mostly for titles from the days when he was in Supertramp. In lot, classic, certainly, but also parts such as
Babaji, in response to a special request, or If Everyone Was Listening.
Hodgson has also drawn on his first solo album, In The Eye of The Storm, three times, in addition to offering two compositions from his latest recording,
Open The Door (2000), both commended: Along Came Mary and Death and A Zoo.
The veteran was able to offer effective and comprehensive arrangements, including the side vocal harmonies. On the other hand, the musicians did a great job. In this regard, we must welcome the contribution of multi-instrumentalist Aaron Macdonald, who had as much aplomb in his voice as saxophones, flute and keyboards.
Hodgson, who had invited the crowd to put all your worries aside during the time of the concert, proposed a generous round of singing, which culminated in the ambitious
Fool's Overture. The latter raised the room without any harm and certainly forget spectators singular decor, made of faux palm trees ... Before embarking on
Two of Us, as a reminder, the singer began to discuss his next visit to Quebec. Judging public approval, it should not be a long time ...
French ~
(Québec) CRITIQUE / The Logical Song, Dreamer, Even In The Quietest Moments... Le répertoire de Roger Hodgson est tel qu'il peut aisément bâtir un concert en cumulant les grands succès et en évitant les moindres creux de vague. Et c'est exactement ce qu'il a fait mercredi, au Grand Théâtre, pour le plus grand plaisir de ses fans.
Du haut de ses 65 ans, Hodgson affiche toujours la grande forme. Certes, le temps a fait grisonner ses longs cheveux et a buriné son visage, mais sa voix de même que son doigté sont demeurés intacts. Aussi, le cofondateur de Supertramp n'a eu aucun mal à défendre son catalogue de chansons.
Hodgson n'avait pas encore joué une note qu'il avait déjà droit à une ovation. C'est dire combien il était attendu par les spectateurs qui avaient rempli les lieux à craquer... Entouré de quatre compétents complices, il a mis la machine en marche avec
Take The Long Way Home. On a d'abord senti la bande jouer la carte de la prudence, mais quand Hodgson a enchaîné avec
School, titre phare de l'album
Crime of The Century, la machine s'est mise à tourner à plein régime. Soudainement, le leader a mis la foule au creux de sa main et l'y a gardée jusqu'à la fin du concert.
En français
Entre deux pièces, l'Américain d'adoption s'efforçait de causer en français et ne manquait pas de glisser quelques blagues qui ont dessiné des sourires. C'est ainsi qu'en prélude à
Breakfast In America, il a raconté que, lorsqu'il vivait en Angleterre, il rêvait de la Californie tout simplement parce qu'il ne connaissait pas encore le Québec. Aussi, le hit
Breakfast In America aurait très bien pu s'appeler
Breakfast in Québec!
Le chanteur, pianiste et guitariste a pigé adroitement dans sa besace de chansons, optant en majorité pour des titres de l'époque où il oeuvrait au sein de Supertramp. Dans le lot, les classiques, certes, mais également des pièces comme
Babaji, en réponse à une demande spéciale, ou encore
If Everyone Was Listening.
Hodgson a par ailleurs puisé dans son premier album solo,
In The Eye of The Storm, trois fois plutôt qu'une, en plus d'offrir deux compositions de son plus récent enregistrement,
Open The Door (2000), toutes deux saluées :
Along Came Mary et Death and A Zoo.
Le vétéran a su proposer des arrangements étoffés et efficaces, y compris du côté des harmonies vocales. D'autre part, ses musiciens faisaient un excellent boulot. À ce chapitre, il faut saluer l'apport du multi-instrumentiste Aaron MacDonald, qui avait autant d'aplomb dans ses saxophones qu'à la voix, à la flûte ou aux claviers.
Hodgson, qui avait invité la foule à mettre tous ses tracas de côté le temps du concert, a proposé un tour de chant généreux, qui a culminé sur l'ambitieuse
Fool's Overture. Cette dernière a soulevé la salle sans le moindre mal et a assurément fait oublier aux spectateurs le singulier décor, fait de faux palmiers... Avant de se lancer dans
Two of Us, en rappel, le chanteur s'est mis à évoquer sa prochaine visite à Québec. À en juger l'approbation du public, ce pourrait être avant longtemps...
Cliquez ici pour l'article original
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Enjoy this press review for Roger's December 3 and 4 shows in Montreal at Place des Arts. Approximate English translation is here with original in French below.

Roger Hodgson won the Place des Arts Published on 05/12/2015 By Marie-Claude Lessard

© Martial Genest / MatTv.ca
It has become a must, something of a tradition: Roger Hodgson on Montreal soil occurs approximately every three years, if not less. The former singer, writer, and co-founder of Supertramp has taken none other than the Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier of Place des Arts last Thursday and Friday to offer two evenings that were absolutely electrifying, even life-saving.
The love story between the star, 65, and Quebec was visibly insane. In addition, a huge, warm welcome greeted him before the show, the audience gave a standing ovation several times during Hodgson of Supertramp's greatest hits, especially during
Take The Long Way Home and School that opened the show. Admirers both older and younger fans to become (a girl aged 5 handed to Roger Hodgson a nice bouquet of flowers!) cried, smiled, and sang wildly from beginning to end to the
Dreamer, Breakfast In America, or
The Logical Song. While the artist's newer material is from back in 2000 (the excellent
Open The Door), the crowd was excited to dive back into memories and sounds still as relevant today.
The acoustics of the hall served perfectly with the mesmerizing melodies of Hodgson and his band. Rich and varied arrangements literally overwhelmed the spectators inside the songs, creating the impression of living completely. The piano solo from Kevin Adamson in
School, his playful keyboards in Breakfast n America, the tropical percussion from Bryan Head in the powerful
Death And A Zoo, the incredible talent of David J. Carpenter at the bass and devilish saxophone from Aaron Macdonald in
Child Of Vision gave right to extraordinary musical moments of rare intensity. The lyrics, even if they date back almost 40 years, are still very current. The ups and downs of love life were carefully translated into the gorgeous
Lovers in the Wind, existential torment contained in
The Logical Song still resonates in our increasingly crazy and confused world, and
Give A Little Bit embodies wonder that people need in the coming years: help and hope.
Frequently speaking in French, Roger Hodgson has shown great generosity with the audience. With the flowers of the young admirer prominently at the foot of the piano, Hodgson has offered an exclusive song to spectators who were present on 3 and 4 December. Through the guestbook available on its official website, the singer regularly takes the pulse of his followers town to town. On stage, he then mentions some testimonials and dedicate some songs to fans who expressed deep attachments to them. A special attention is touching to the credit of the seasoned multidisciplinary artist.
For me, the song that moves me most of Roger Hodgson repertoire is
Fool's Overture. When I was young, it exasperated me because my father played it repeatedly. Two decades later, I am able to enjoy the incredible musical transitions, and detect all the complexity and veracity of the committed lyrics. In addition, it concluded in a grandiose epic fashion which confirmed that I never tire me to hear the immortal contemporary classic Roger Hodgson!
Joy fills, we feel that the feeling is mutual. As rightly said Roger rallying after three encores, next year I hope!
French ~
Roger Hodgson séduit la Place des Arts
Publié le 05.12.2015 Par Marie-Claude Lessard
C’est devenu un incontournable, une sorte de tradition: Roger Hodgson se produit en sol montréalais environ tous les trois ans, si ce n’est pas moins. L’ancien chanteur, auteur et co-fondateur de la formation Supertramp a pris d’assaut nulle autre que la Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier de la Place des Arts jeudi et vendredi derniers pour offrir deux soirées absolument électrisantes, voire salvatrices.
L’histoire d’amour entre la star de 65 ans et le Québec ne se dément visiblement pas. En plus de lui réserver un accueil immensément chaleureux avant le début du spectacle, le public a ovationné Hodgson à plusieurs reprises lors des plus grands hits de Supertramp, notamment pendant
Take The Long Way Home et School qui ont ouvert le spectacle. Admirateurs de longues dates et jeunes fans à en devenir (une petite fille âgée de 5 ans a remis à Roger Hodgson un joli bouquet de fleurs!) ont crié, souri et chanté à tout rompre du début à la fin au son de
Dreamer, Breakfast In America ou encore The
Logical Song. Même si le nouveau matériel de l’artiste remonte en 2000 (l’excellent
Open The Door), la foule était ravie de replonger dans des souvenirs et sonorités toujours aussi pertinents aujourd’hui.
L’acoustique de la salle a servi à la perfection les mélodies hypnotisantes de Hodgson et son band. Des arrangements riches et variés ont littéralement immiscé et submergé les spectateurs à l’intérieur des chansons, créant l’impression de les vivre complètement. Le solo de piano troublant de Kevin Adamson dans School et
Child Of Vision, ses claviers enjoués dans
Breakfast In America, les percussions tropicales de Bryan Head dans la percutante
Death And A Zoo, l’incroyable talent de David J. Carpenter à la base ainsi que l’harmonica endiablé d’Aaron Macdonald dans School ont donné droit à d’extraordinaires moments musicaux d’une rare intensité. Les textes, même s’ils datent de près de 40 ans, demeurent très actuels. Les hauts et les bas de la vie amoureuse ont été délicatement traduits dans la magnifique
Lovers In The Wind, les tourments existentiels contenus dans
The Logical Song trouvent encore écho dans notre monde de plus en plus dingue et confus, et
Give A Little Bit incarne à merveille ce que les gens ont besoin pour les années à venir: entraide et espoir.
S’adressant fréquemment en français, Roger Hodgson a fait preuve d’une grande générosité avec l’audience. Avec les fleurs de la jeune admiratrice bien en évidence au pied du piano, Hodgson a offert une chanson exclusive aux spectateurs qui ont été présents le 3 et le 4 décembre. Grâce au guestbook disponible sur son site Internet officiel, le chanteur prend régulièrement le pouls de ses adeptes de ville en ville. Sur scène, il mentionne alors certains témoignages et dédient certaines chansons à des fans ayant exprimés de profonds attachements à celles-ci. Une spéciale attention touchante qui est tout à l’honneur de l’artiste multidisciplinaire aguerri.
Pour ma part, la chanson qui m’émeut le plus du répertoire de Roger Hodgson est
Fool’s Overture. Lorsque j’étais jeune, elle m’horripilait car mon père la jouait en boucle. Deux décennies plus tard, je suis en mesure de savourer les hallucinantes transitions musicales, et déceler toute la complexité et la véracité des paroles fort engagées. En plus, elle a conclu de manière épique un spectacle grandiose qui m’a confirmé que je ne me tannerai jamais d’entendre les classiques immortellement contemporains de Roger Hodgson!
Comble de joie, on sent que le sentiment est réciproque. Comme l’a si bien dit Roger après trois rappels rassembleurs, à l’an prochain j’espère!
Click here for
the original article ~ | |
FRANKFURT - First Germany announcement for 2016!
On February 22, Roger will be returning to one of Germany's finest concert halls - the beautiful, historical Alte Oper Frankfurt. Don't miss what will be a most magical night! Spread the word and tell your friends today!
Fan pre-sale is September 17 with public sale starting September 18. Details will be posted very soon.
Enjoy this video of Roger performing his everlasting classic song, Take the Long Way Home -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKGOCOAI_2c. See him perform this and so many more live in concert!
| |
Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of “Crisis? What Crisis?," released September 14, 1975! Roger Hodgson's songs from the album - Easy Does It, Sister Moonshine, A Soapbox Opera, Lady, The Meaning, and Two of Us are fan favorites that he often performs in concert around the world.
Enjoy this video of Roger performing his “Lady.” Is this one of your favorites? Tell us about it directly on the video and "like” it, too, while you’re there -
See Roger Hodgson live in concert!
Nov 17 - Tarrytown, NY, USA -
http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw Nov 18 - Verona, NY, USA -
http://bit.ly/1K0N04E Nov 20 - Rama, ON, Canada -
http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL Nov 21 - Rama, ON, Canada -
http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2 Nov 24 - Winnipeg, MB, Canada -
http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD Nov 26 - Calgary, AB, Canada -
http://bit.ly/18pjNRn Nov 27 - Vancouver, BC, Canada - SOLD OUT! Nov 28 - Vancouver, BC, Canada - SOLD OUT! Dec 1 - Regina, SK, Canada - SOLD OUT! Dec 3 - Montreal, QC, Canada -
http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL Dec 4 - Montreal, QC, Canada -
http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL Dec 8 - Ottawa, ON, Canada - SOLD OUT! Dec 9 - Quebec City, QC, Canada -
http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc Dec 11 - Moncton, NB, Canada -
http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4 Dec 12 - Halifax, NS, Canada - SOLD OUT! Dec 13 - Halifax, NS, Canada -
http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF 2016, April 18 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - SOLD OUT! 2016, April 19 - Rotterdam, Netherlands -
http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM 2016, April 21 - Antwerp, Belgium -
http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw 2016, April 25 - Geneva, Switzerland -
http://bit.ly/1eCstY4, or
http://bit.ly/1Riu4E1 2016, April 29 - London, England -
http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016 or
http://bit.ly/1aM8cgW 2016, April 30 - Paris, France -
http://bit.ly/HodgsonOlympia or VIP Packages -
http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX 2016, May 1 - Paris, France -
http://bit.ly/HodgsonOlympia or VIP Packages -
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Enjoy this press review from Roger's August 28 show in Pfullendorf,
Germany. Approximate
English translation
here with original
in German on link
below. ~

Roger Hodgson – thrilling open air concert
What a night! It was a first class concert event and it's probably going to go down in the history of the Pfullendorf music events. Roger Hodgson thrilled 1700 visitors at the Seepark
Chris Herrmann English Translation by Elke

It is due to André Heygster that the “Breakfast in America” Tour also made a stop in Pfullendorf amongst many big cities. He thanked all the helpers, as well as the Suedkurier, which operated as media partner and he greeted the 1700 visitors. At seven pm sharp the cover band “The Chillis” from the Weingarten area opened the concert night. Doing justice to their name, they heated up the audience with hot classics from the recent decades thus quickening the attendees' appetite for more sound.
After a short break for refitting the time had come. Totally relaxed and in high spirits Hodgson came on stage with his four-piece band. Just a few bars into the opener “Take the long way home”, the famous spark (from a German proverb) was passed on to the audience. When he played “School” right after that, some people may have been surprised by the fact that he played his hits right at the beginning. But the answer is easy: he has composed too many good pieces – he could not have possibly played them all for the encore. Throughout all the years the exceptional British musician and founder of the rock band Supertramp has not lost lost anything of his unmistakable tenor singing voice. It sounds better than ever. He has found the way into the hearts of the audience with his music and his fan community has become bigger here in Pfullendorf, too. His age of 65 definitely does not show on stage.
Whereas other artists of the same age avoid high notes or otherwise difficult passages, Hodgson effortlessly hits all the notes. This effortlessness and ease carry on throughout the show and thus lesser known songs like “Along came Mary” and “Death and a zoo” from his solo album “Open the door” are very well received by the audience as well. No matter if Hodgson plays keyboard, guitar or grand piano, everything sounds precise. Just the same, multi instrumentalist Aaron MacDonald proved his skills not only on the sax again and again and besides the “boss”, he took over the most eye-catching role on stage. This was rewarded with noisy applause.
Annemarie and Kurt Rusch from Appenzell had travelled far. They have attended the “Breakfast In America Tour” four times now and they were impressed by the atmosphere of the Seepark. The last song “It's raining again” completed the wonderful concert night after almost two hours.
Click here for
the complete
article ~
| |
Enjoy Roger's interview published in the August 21 edition of national German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung. English translation
excerpt below, with
complete interview in
English and German
on the link below. ~

Roger Hodgson about Success
English Translation by Elke
He is a curious legend: Almost everyone knows his voice and his songs. His name is known to hardly anyone. The "Supertramp" founder Roger Hodgson is still on tour. Interview by Harald Hordych
Roger Hodgson is a curious legend: Almost everyone knows his voice and his songs. His name is known to hardly anyone. At the hotel “Bayerischer Hof” in Munich, the "Supertramp" founder talks openly and willingly about a life which has not always been easy.
SZ: Mr. Hodgson, how many times in your life have you sung "Dreamer"? Roger Hodgson: Several thousand times.
And what do you feel when you're singing this song, say, for the 3520th time? "Dreamer" is a great song. On the day it will no longer fill me with joy to sing this or any other of my songs, I may as well stop everything else I'm doing in my life.
Why do these songs still have this effect on you?
They are all very different. And I still believe in them. I'd feel terrible if I only reeled off hit songs. One should never forget: The songs were not contrived as hit songs.
Hard to believe that, considering they are global hits now.
No, no, I never would have thought they could turn into hits. Simply because I wrote most of the songs that are popular to this day in my early twenties.
What's easily forgotten: Supertramp spent five unsuccessful years. And then, starting from 1974, there were "Dreamer", "Hide in Your Shell", "School", "Sister Moonshine".
Exactly, back then I had absolutely no sense of whether that song I was writing at the time would turn into a hit or not. Take "Give a Little Bit" for example. For six or seven years I did not dare to play it to the band.
Why, for heaven's sake?
Because I thought it is much too simplistic.
That is, you wrote it as young as 19 or 20?
Yes. And listen to "Give a Little Bit" today. It still works.
Do you have an explanation?
I wrote only when something had moved me very profoundly and I had to speak out on it. I write only for myself. Because the things that I sing about are very personal. If I had known that millions of people would listen to what I was just about to sing - I would have said: No, I'll never speak out on this!
If you wrote just for yourself: What kind of person was this man, for whom you have written these global hits?
I was born in Portsmouth, but the majority of my youth, I spent in boarding school. Ten years. I was shy, a little boy, just eight, when I was sent there. It was tough. Suddenly I was away from home.
And then? I had to find a way to somehow cope with it. But that took a long time. My father had an acoustic guitar on which he played folk songs. But he never allowed me to touch it.
Why? It was his guitar. But I loved to look at it. I always imagined what it would be like to hold it in my hands just once. But I was never allowed to. When I was twelve, my parents divorced, and my father left the family immediately. After that, I have not seen him for ten years. He left the guitar behind. I imagine it was his parting gift to me. Anyway, I took this guitar with me to boarding school and there it turned into my best friend.
If the guitar was your best friend, where were the other friends?
I did have friends, but none that I could have talked to about how I felt deep inside.
Did you miss your parents?
I would not recommend it to anyone to send their eight-year-old child to boarding school. At 15 it will work, when they want to get away from their parents anyway. I was so scared. Yes, that's the whole secret. I write about feelings like vulnerability and uncertainty, things which other people feel the same way.
Your lyrics are sad yet the songs are uplifting. How is that possible?
The lyrics expressed my pain. But who I really was, that's what comes to light in the optimistic melodies. Photos of me as a child are showing a joy bubble, a child who is pleased about everything. Then there is boarding school and it takes away all the joy from the child. And then we spend the rest of our lives healing these wounds.
Luckily there was the guitar. The guitar provided my space to escape, to my dream world, to the world of music. As soon as I had the guitar, I started to write songs. My music teacher showed me three chords. That was it. With these three chords I wrote twelve songs. Buddy Holly did it the same way!
Click here for
the complete
interview ~
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"Inspiration comes from a very magical place. Almost like when I get out of the way. It’s when the music is taking me rather than me trying to tell the music which direction I want it to go in."
Enjoy Roger's August 12 interview with Christian Hanelt of Germany's newspaper, Rheinpfalz. English translation
excerpt here with
complete article in German
and English on link below. Be sure to see Roger in Germany this year!
CH - Mister Hodgson, you played along with musicians like Ringo Starr, Toto’s David Paich, Jeff and Steve Porcaro, even with the young piano player Reginald Dwight whom we all know as Elton John. You were also asked to join Genesis and Yes. Did that had an impact on your music?
I have had the good fortune of playing with many wonderful musicians in my life.
CH - You are playing lots of instruments, you’re a singer and a distinctive songwriter and performer. How do you see yourself on first hand, as a songwriter, performer or else?
I have worn many hats in my 50 years playing music - writer, composer, arranger, producer, performer, lighting designer – enjoying all the roles of creating albums and designing stage shows.
Since the age of 12 when I first held a guitar in my hands, I have found that Music has always been a language I understand and can communicate in well.
My songs have always come from a very personal often vulnerable place inside me. They have carried my beliefs, my dreams, my questions, my longing for love and to know God.
I understand the deep connection that people have with these songs, because in expressing my innermost feelings I have often been a voice for them also.
Click here for
the complete
interview ~
Aug 27 - Zweibrücken -
http://bit.ly/1D2bE3K or
http://bit.ly/1Gu1Kas or
Aug 28 - Pfullendorf - http://bit.ly/1Dmbrah Aug 29 - Merkers -
http://bit.ly/1BAPmnG Aug 30 - Hemer -
http://bit.ly/1xvcl22 Sept 1 - Cologne -
http://bit.ly/1Jahzns or
http://bit.ly/1GVPLPP or
http://bit.ly/1ASxbsS Sept 4 - Siegen -
http://bit.ly/1CajbvI or
http://bitly.com/1Il06aK or
http://bit.ly/1FLYTL4 Sept 5 - Lingen -
http://bit.ly/16wlJY0 Sept 7 - Berlin -
http://bit.ly/1zAJfN8 or
http://bit.ly/1zOlDS1 Sept 8 - Gütersloh -
| |
“When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
a miracle, oh, it was beautiful, magical And all the birds in the trees, well, they'd be singing so happily, oh, joyfully, oh, playfully, watching me”
Logical Song" was
named best song
musically and
lyrically by The
British Academy of
Composers and
Songwriters and won
the Ivor Novello
Award in 1980.
It also has the distinction of becoming one of the most quoted lyrics in schools.
| |
"When someone comes
to tell me how a
song I wrote helped
him in his life, this is an important
moment for me." ~
Roger Hodgson
Enjoy this excerpt of Roger's new interview with France's Telerama. Approximate English translation here with original in French on link below. We invite you to leave a comment directly on the article and share your experiences of Roger's music and concerts.
Roger Hodgson: "Supertramp had an impact on
today's music"...
Solo for over thirty years, co-founder, guitarist, and singer of Supertramp, digs his furrow with spirituality and without nostalgia.
Is Roger Hodgson the same in 2015 as that of the legendary Supertramp era of Live in Paris 1979?
I was a young man at the time of Supertramp. After leaving the group in 1983, I made a seventeen year break away from the music industry. I took care of my children. It was a difficult period where I learned a lot about life. Now I am older, wiser. I sing better than ever. And people enjoy my show now more than when I was in Supertramp. It is deeper, more intimate.
Will we hear new compositions? I will play a lot of my hits with Supertramp like The Logical Song, Breakfast In America ... as well as titles from my solo albums like In Jeopardy. But there are often one or two new titles in my concerts. Since my last disc (Open The Door, 2000), I wrote about sixty songs I've never recorded. Some are beautiful.
What inspires you? What I write is from the heart, my pain, my desire to love and to know God - a word that is the subject of many misunderstandings and is poorly taught today. Spirituality is for me the most important aspect of life. I need to take time for contemplation and meditation. Many of my songs I wrote while with Supertramp (Even in the Quietest Moments, Lord is it Mine ...) are also prayers.
Click here for the
complete interview ~
| |
Enjoy this press review
excerpt from Roger's show
Weinheim, Germany ~ Approximate English translation here -
original in German on link below.
Yes, It was raining again Happiness: Roger Hodgson live in the castle park Weinheim

By Sascha Kilian
~ Published on Saturday, June 20, 2015
Roger Hodgson, the voice of Supertramp, opened the Weinheim Cultural Summer 2015 and makes up a lot of people very happy despite the bad weather.
There is not a day on which the German format radio does not have at least two or three Supertramp songs over the airwaves. Whether "The Logical Song", "Breakfast In America" or "It's Raining Again": Supertramp is the Superpopgroup from the seventies, which up to the separation of Roger Hodgson in 1983 technically broke all selling records.
The singer's new clothes
The remaining Supertramp member keyboardist Rick Davies went musically into insignificance and is live since then only by the name and the golden age from 1975 to 1982. Also Roger Hodgson never again reached the heights of his Supertramp time, for many years he regularly goes back on tour.
The kick-off of his "Breakfast in America World Tour" takes place in the beautiful ambience of Weinsheimer castle park on a cool evening. He lets the audience know had specially bought new stage clothes for the prelude to the world tour taking place in Weinheim.
Unmistakable and irresistible The 65-year-old Englishman still radiates warmth and serenity that he has kept until today. First song agrees with its high, distinctive tenor voice to the 1979 Supertramp classic "Take The Long Way Home". It is the prelude to an evening full of hits.
Hodgson plays that night four more pieces of the plate, after which the tour is named: "Breakfast in America". Especially "Child Of Vision", the progressive closing of the album is close to the original and an absolute listening pleasure. His irresistible voice is still intact and provides almost all heights.
Click here for the
complete article ~
| |
As previously announced, Roger Hodgson will be at Theater Gütersloh on September 8. Join Roger and his band for a fantastic evening of his classic hit songs and more! Tickets go on sale tomorrow, June 13, at 9:00AM through
http://bit.ly/1KLy5Mf. We hope to see you there!
Enjoy Roger performing his timeless treasure, Take the Long Way Home -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKGOCOAI_2c. We invite you to leave a comment directly on the video and “like” it while there!
Here's is a glimpse of what you'll see -
| |
Roger Hodgson, formerly of Supertramp, Announces New Tour Dates!
Rotterdam, Holland Luxor Theater ~ April 19, 2016
On Sale May 16 at 3:00 PM
Antwerp, Belgium Stadsschouwburg Theater ~ April 21, 2016
On Sale May 13 at 10:00 AM
Antwerp tickets go on sale May 13 at 10:00AM. VIP Meet and Greet Package will be available through
http://bit.ly/1FbvSqO. Separate ticket to attend sound check, in addition to show tickets, will be available through
http://bit.ly/1H1gHNX (If attending sound check, must have ticket to show
and ticket for sound check).
Rotterdam tickets go on sale May 16 at 3:00PM through
Join Roger Hodgson and his band on tour this year and again in 2016. Make plans with friends and family today and spread the news!
2016 Europe Tour
2015 Europe Tour
Jun 19
Weinheim, Germany
Jun 20 Hinwil, Switzerland
Jun 21 Clam, Austria
Jun 24
Munich, Germany
Jun 26
Steinkjer, Norway
Jun 30
Nantes, France
Jul 1
Paris, France
Jul 3
Murten, Switzerland
Jul 4
Calw, Germany
Jul 7 Valencia, Spain
Jul 8 Murcia, Spain
Jul 10
Bertrix, Belgium
Jul 11 Heerlen, Holland
Jul 12
Oxfordshire, UK
Jul 15
Veszprém, Hungary
Jul 17
Brønnøysund, Norway
Jul 18
Langesund, Norway |
Jul 30
Weissenburg in Bayern, Germany
Jul 31
Lauchheim, Germany
Aug 1
Carcassonne, France
Aug 4
Mallorca, Spain
Aug 6
Marbella, Spain
Aug 8
Peralada, Spain
Aug 27
Zweibrücken, Germany
Aug 28
Pfullendorf, Germany
Aug 29
Merkers, Germany
Aug 30
Hemer, Germany
Sep 1
Cologne, Germany
Sep 2
Amsterdam, Holland
Sep 4
Siegen, Germany
Sep 5
Lingen, Germany
Sep 7
Berlin, Germany
Sep 8 Gütersloh, Germany
On Sale Jun 13 |
Audience Responses ~
“I laughed, I cried, I fell in love all over again with the music of my youth, the timeless lyrics, and most of all your magical smile as we shared our lives with one another that night.”
“Anyone can play the music, but no one else has the voice. Roger Hodgson is Supertramp. Supertramp is Roger. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“At some points just closed my eyes and soaked the music in. It was wonderful, magical and an amazing show. Roger was so at ease on stage he really loves what he does , his solo works stands on its own and every song is a highlight.”
“I can say : You are really the heart and the voice of Supertramp. You are simply the best. Thanks Roger for your beautiful music and great concert.”
Connect with Roger:
| |
Reminder that fan
pre-sale begins
tomorrow, May 13, for
Roger Hodgson's December
1 show with his band at
Casino Regina.
Tickets will be available at 10:00AM through
http://bit.ly/1Filn7g, at the venue box office, or at 306.565.3000 or 1.800.555.3189. Password is "Dreamer." General sale starts May 15 at 10:00AM through the same link and also in person or by phone.
All ticket holders must be at least 19-years-of-age. Spread the word that Roger is coming to Saskatchewan!
For the Dreamer in all of us -
| |
Flemish fans will be pleased to hear that Roger Hodgson and his band will be performing at Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen on April 21, 2016! Don't miss Roger's first performance in Antwerp since 2004, when he and the late Joe Cocker were invited by Night of the Proms to headline five performances in celebration of NOTP 20th Anniversary.
Tickets for Roger's April 21 show go on sale tomorrow, May 13, at 10:00AM.
VIP Meet and Greet Package will be available through
Separate ticket to attend sound check, in addition to show tickets, will be available through
(If attending sound
check, must have ticket to show
and ticket for sound check).
Here's a taste of what you'll see in April -
| |
Join Roger Hodgson and his band at the beautiful Luxor Theater on April 19, 2016! Tickets go on sale May 16 at 3:00PM through
Make plans with friends
and family today and
spread the news that
Roger will be coming to Rotterdam!
Enjoy Roger performing his enduring classic, The Logical Song -
| |
Join Roger Hodgson and his band on December 1 at Casino Regina in Saskatchewan! Fan pre-sale will begin May 13 with general sale starting May 15. Additional details coming soon! All ticket holders must be at least 19-years-of-age. Spread the word that Roger is coming to Saskatchewan!
For the Dreamer in all of us -
| |
Tune in tomorrow, May 7, for Roger Hodgson's live interviews with Montreal's CHOM 97.7's Terry DiMonte at 7:10AM EDT, and CJAD 800 Montreal's Barry Morgan at 1:05PM EDT. Fans worldwide may listen live through the links below. Enjoy!
| |
CANADA! Two pre-sales starting this morning,
May 6! May 6! May 6! May 6! May 6! May 6! May 6! We want Roger's close fans to have access to the best seats, so get your tickets today! Tickets would make a great Mother's Day gift!

Nov 24 - Winnipeg - Club
Regent - Pre-sale begins at 10:00AM CDT through
http://bit.ly/1E59nyW. Password is
Dec 4 - Montreal - Place des Arts - Pre-sale begins at 10:00 EDT through
http://bit.ly/1OSqeQX. Password is
Breakfast A limited number of VIP Packages will be available for the Montreal show.
| |
- Great News! Second
Show Added December
“I'm very pleased to be adding a second show at Place des Arts and that the love affair and long history I have with the people and the city of Montreal is still so much alive. I'm very excited for everyone to hear the band and the show I am bringing which I believe is the best ever. Audiences are going to be taken on a rich and memorable journey with many surprises.”
~ Roger Hodgson
Fan pre-sale begins May 6 at 10:00AM through
http://bit.ly/1OSqeQX. Password is "Breakfast." A limited number of VIP packages will be offered. General sale begins May 8. Some tickets are still available for December 3. Make plans now to see Roger in Montreal in December - spread the news and tell your friends!
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll see -
| |
SPAIN! Roger Hodgson's previously announced August 4 show at Port Adriano, Mallorca is now on sale.

| |
CANADA - Reminder that fan pre-sale begins tomorrow, April 7, at 10:00AM for Roger’s November 27 show with his band at Hard Rock Casino Vancouver!

Password is “Logical” and tickets will be available through
http://bit.ly/1NYgvVe. General sale begins April 9 at 10:00AM through
http://bit.ly/1NYgvVe or at the venue box office. Make plans now to get your tickets early, as Roger’s November 28 Vancouver show at River Rock Casino Resort sold out in only four days! All ticket holders for both shows must be at least 18-years-of-age.
Breakfast in Canada Tour 2015 Nov 26 - Calgary, AB -
http://bit.ly/18pjNRn Nov 27 - Vancouver, BC - Pre-sale April 7 and 8 -
http://bit.ly/1NYgvVe Nov 28 - Vancouver, BC - SOLD OUT!
Dec 3 - Montreal, QC -
Enjoy Roger performing his classic song, Take the Long Way Home, from his DVD, Take the Long Way Home - Live in Montreal, which was filmed at Place des Arts -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgv0eo0-Hdk. See Roger on his return visit with his band to Place des Arts on December 3.
| |
Roger gives a very insightful interview in the March/April issue of the UK magazine, The Classic Rock Society, where he discusses the evolvement of Supertramp’s two songwriters, his legacy of music, the makings of the Crime of the Century album, and much more.
Here is a glimpse from the article where Roger shares the story behind Hide in Your Shell - "I never could have realised at the time I wrote that, struggling to get out of my own shell and gain the courage to face the world, that it would have helped so many other people for so long. Incredible, really.”
Don't miss Roger performing Hide in Your Shell and many of his other classics and fan favorites from his solo albums on his Breakfast in America Tour.
See Roger in the UK in July of this year and April of next year. Tickets for both shows on sale now - Cornbury Festival in Oxfordshire on July 12, 2015 -
http://bit.ly/1kJv0R3 and Royal Albert Hall in London on April 29, 2016 -
http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016 or
Details, including ticket links, for other announced dates on Roger's Breakfast in America Tour may be found at
http://www.RogerHodgson.com or
Get your own copy of the collector's issue of Classic Rock Society magazine with Roger on the cover. Fans worldwide may purchase the March/April issue (#206) through
| |
VANCOUVER, CANADA - Second Show Added! Join Roger Hodgson and his band November 27 at
Hard Rock Casino.
Fan pre-sale will be April 7 and 8 with public sale beginning April 9. Additional details coming soon. Make plans now to get your tickets early, as Roger’s November 28 Vancouver show at River Rock Casino sold out in only four days!
Breakfast in Canada Tour 2015 Nov 26 - Calgary, AB -
http://bit.ly/18pjNRn Nov 27 - Vancouver, BC - Pre-sale April 7 and 8 Nov 28 - Vancouver, BC - SOLD OUT! Dec 3 - Montreal, QC -
http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL Dec 8 - Ottawa, ON -
http://bit.ly/1LddYbY Dec 9 - Quebec City, QC -
http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc Dec. 11 - Moncton, NB -
http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4 Dec. 12 - Halifax, NS -
Enjoy Roger performing his little gem, Two of Us, from his DVD, Take the Long Way Home - Live in Montreal, which was filmed at Place des Arts - the very venue Roger will be returning to on December 3 -
| |
Roger Hodgson ~ Live in Paris!!
Special Celebration Two Nights in a Row at the Olympia!
Mark Your Calendars for April 30 and May 1, 2016.
| |
GERMANY - Another fantastic show for this summer! Roger Hodgson and his band will be performing in Pfullendorf at Seepark Linzgau on August 28.
| |
GERMANY - WONDERFUL NEWS! Join Roger Hodgson and his band in Zweibrücken at Herzogplatz on August 27.
| |
ALBERTA, CANADA - Calgary pre-sale for Roger’s November 26 show with his band at Grey Eagle Resort & Casino begins March 9 at 10:00AM MDT.
Pre-sale begins March 9 at 10:00AM MDT through
http://bit.ly/18pjNRn. Password is Dreamer. General sale starts March 12 at 10:00AM MDT, also through http://bit.ly/18pjNRn. Tickets for both pre-sale and general sale will be available at the venue gift shop and 1-866-943-8849. All ages are welcome.
Breakfast in Canada Tour 2015
Nov 26 - Calgary, AB - Pre-sale March 9! Nov 28 - Vancouver, BC - Pre-sale March 11! Dec 3 - Montreal, QC -
http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL Dec 8 - Ottawa, ON -
http://bit.ly/RogerOttawa Dec 9 - Quebec City, QC -
http://bit.ly/RogerQuebec Dec 11 - Moncton, NB -
http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4 Dec 12 - Halifax, NS -
http://bit.ly/1NkMwrf Nov 20 and 21 - Rama, ON - Details in August!
For information on all announced dates on Roger’s Breakfast in America World Tour, visit the Tour page at
http://www.RogerHodgson.com or the Events tab
on Roger's
Facebook page. Roger Hodgson Live Video:
| |
formerly of
Breakfast in America World Tour
his highly
Breakfast in
World Tour
this summer
concerts in
Holland, and
the U.K.,
with shows
in the US
and Canada
for November
sites for
full 2015
ticket links
shows to be
Newly Announced
- Special
for 2016!
April 29,
2016 –
London –
Royal Albert
Fan pre-sale
begins this
February 26,
at 9:00AM
http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016 General
sale begins
February 27,
at 9:00AM. Make
plans to
join fans
and see
Roger in
April 2016!
“There are
venues in
the world
but there’s
only one
Albert Hall.
delighted to
be returning
to my home
country to
play for
next year.”
~ Roger
Tickets are
now at
July 7 –
Valencia July 8 –
Murcia Additional
details will
be coming
28 -
BC – River
Rock Casino Tickets go
on sale
March 12.
details will
be coming
Pre-sale one
day only,
February 26,
from 10:00AM
to 10:00PMMM Online
- no
password, or
by phone at
General sale
February 27
at 10:00AM.
available at
in person at
the venue
gift shop,
or by phone
This show is
open to all
12 -
Halifax, NS
– Casino
Nova Scotia Pre-sale
March 3 at
11:00AM to
March 4 at
General sale
begins March
5 at
11:00AM. All
holders must
be at least
For all
tour details
on all
shows, visit
Page here on
the site or
Events on
“This is
the real
deal: a
music man,
in brilliant
form and
supported by
a tight,
band. An
evening with
Hodgson will
raise your
standards of
were smiles.
There was
joy. There
were tears
as he sang
the songs
that were
there in the
good times
and helped
us through
the bad
times. The
melodies and
cannot be
except by
the master
See this
video of “Give
a Little Bit”
for a
glimpse of
what you'll
on Roger's
Breakfast in
World Tour.
Enjoy this
of Roger
some of his
Invite your
family and
friends to
join Roger’s
Mailing List
sites for
| |
CANADA! Roger is returning to Casino New Brunswick in Moncton, NB, with his band on December 11!
Roger was the first artist invited to perform at the Casino when it opened in 2010 and again performed at this venue in 2013. Both shows sold out, so don’t delay in getting your tickets. We look forward to seeing some of you for the first, second, or third time. Share this great news today!
Fan pre-sale will be one day only, Thursday, February 26, from 10:00AM AST to 10:00PM AST. There will not be a password. Pre-sale tickets will be available online through
http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4 or by phone at 1-866-943-8849. General sale begins Friday, February 27, at 10:00AM AST. Tickets will be available online through
http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4, in person at the venue gift shop, or by phone at 1-866-943-8849. This show is open to all ages.
| |
HOLLAND! A pre-sale starts
TODAY, February 14, for Roger Hodgson’s
September 2 show in
Amsterdam at
Koninklijk Theater Carré!
| |
HOLLAND! Join Roger Hodgson
on September 2 when he returns to Amsterdam
and performs with his band at the beautiful Koninklijk Theater Carré!
| |
CANADA! Two Day Pre-Sale starts TODAY!
Montreal, Ottawa & Quebec City
Pre-sale for Roger Hodgson’s
December shows in Montreal,
Ottawa, and Quebec City are
currently underway and will
conclude on Friday, February
13, at 10:00 PM EST. General
Sale begins Saturday,
February 14 at 10:00 AM EST
for Ottawa and 12:00 PM EST
for Montreal and Quebec
City. Some wrote in saying
they had technical
difficulties with the links
so we are resending.
A limited number of VIP
tickets that include
soundcheck or soundcheck and
post-show meet and greet are
also available.
Pre-sale will be online
only while General Sale
will be online, in
person, or by phone.
| |
Join us for a beautiful
evening on the Costa Brava
for one of Spain's major
music festivals of the
summer! Tickets on sale
Also see Roger on August 6
at Starlite Festival in
| |
CANADA - Here’s the news
you’ve been waiting for!

Roger will be returning to
Montreal, Ottawa, and Quebec
City in December!
December 3 - Montreal -
des Arts December 8 - Ottawa -
National Arts Centre/Centre
national des Arts December 9 - Quebec City -
Théâtre de Québec
Fan pre-sale for all shows
begins Thursday, February 12
and will conclude Friday,
February 13. General sale
begins Saturday, February
14. A limited number of VIP
tickets will be available
for each show. All ticket
details coming soon!
Details for all other
announced shows on Roger’s
Breakfast in America World
Tour may be found on the
Events tab here on the page
or on the Tour page here on
Roger’s site at
| |
Enjoy Roger's interview with RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse!
For those who were not able to get tickets for Roger's sold out shows in Zürich and Geneva this week, you may still see him in St. Moritz today, January 30, in the Embassy Ballroom at the beautiful, historical Badrutt's Palace Hotel. For reservation requests for this intimate duo show, phone +41 81 837 26 59. |
ROGER HODGSON, Formerly of Supertramp, Readies for his 2015 Tour as "Crime of the Century" Celebrates 40th Anniversary
Roger Hodgson, legendary singer-songwriter, announced that he is heading back to Europe for a series of dates to embark on his 2015 tour.
one of the most gifted composers and lyricists of our time,
co-founded the progressive rock band Supertramp in 1969. Roger was
the driving force behind what fans call the "golden years" of the
band that made Supertramp a worldwide phenomenon with album sales in
excess of 60 million. He wrote, sang, and arranged such enduring
rock standards as "Breakfast
in America," "Give
a Little Bit," "Take
the Long Way Home," "The
Logical Song," "Dreamer," "It's
Raining Again,"
"Fool's Overture."
Whether accompanied by a four-piece
band, performing duo, or with an orchestra, Roger Hodgson continues
to play all the hits he wrote and later recorded with Supertramp plus
other classics of his such as "Child
of Vision," "Hide
in Your Shell," "Sister
Moonshine," and "Even
in the Quietest Moments," and favorites from his solo
albums - "Only
Because of You," "Lovers
in the Wind,"
"Had a Dream,"
and "In
Jeopardy," many of which can be found on his current CD
release, Classics Live.
generations, Hodgson transports baby boomers back to their
youth while giving younger concertgoers a taste of why his
heartfelt songs have endured. In fact, this year marks the
40th Anniversary of "Crime
of the Century," released in September 1974. In
concert, Hodgson performs all the songs that he contributed
to the album - "School," "Hide in Your Shell," "If Everyone
Was Listening," and the perennial classic "Dreamer," that
became Supertramp's first international runaway hit,
propelling “Crime of the Century” to the top of the charts.
2015 tour dates are below with more to come. For North
America fans, Roger will be performing in the USA and Canada
in November and December – watch for announcements.
January 25
Brussels, Belgium
– SOLD OUT January 26
Zürich, Switzerland
January 28
Geneva, Switzerland
January 30
St. Moritz, Switzerland
February 1 -
Bremen, Germany –
June 19 -
Weinheim, Germany
June 20 -
Hinwil, Switzerland
June 21 -
Clam, Austria
June 24 -
Munich, Germany
June 26 -
Steinkjer, Norway
June 30 -
Nantes, France July 1 -
Paris, France –
July 4 -
Calw, Germany
July 11 -
Heerlen, Holland
July 12
Oxfordshire, UK
July 15
Veszprém, Hungary
July 17
Brønnøysund, Norway
July 18 -
Langesund, Norway
July 30 -
Weissenburg in Bayern,
July 31 -
Lauchheim, Germany
August 6 -
Marbella, Spain
August 8 - Peralada,
Spain – On Sale Soon
August 29 -
Merkers, Germany
August 30 -
Hemer, Germany
September 1 -
Cologne, Germany
September 4 -
Siegen, Germany
September 5 -
Lingen, Germany
September 7 -
Berlin, Germany
"Whether it's the melodic complexity of his songs, the
harmonies he weaves with his band, the lyrics that sweep you
away or his ability to still command the incredible upper
range of his voice, 'beautiful' was what kept coming to mind
over and over again during his performance. 'Breathtaking'
might also apply. 'I want more' certainly would." ~
Ted Hansen - Mesa Classic Rock Music Examiner
"All these years I thought I was a Supertramp fan when
actually I was and am a Roger Hodgson fan. What a show! WOW
is all I can say."~
David Wild, Contributing Editor, Rolling Stone
~~ Check out his latest release, "Classics
This spectacular collection of Roger's hit songs from
concerts recorded on his 2010 world tour is available
through his Store and iTunes. Enjoy this video
montage of
Hodgson performing some of his timeless classics.
For more information, visit the Tour page
on Hodgson's Website or Events on
his Facebook page. For additional information on Roger Hodgson, visit his Bio.
www.RogerHodgson.com www.Facebook.com/RogerHodgson www.Twitter.com/RogerHodgson www.Youtube.com/RogerHodgson www.Instagram.com/RogerHodgson
| |

Enjoy Roger's recent interview with Jeb Wrightt of Classic
Rock Revisited about the
40th Anniversary of the Crime of the Century album!

Once a Dreamer, Always a Dreamer An Interview with Supertramp Co-Founder Roger Hodgson
Roger Hodgson was nothing more than a kid, a dreamer of sorts when he sat down and wrote the song that became Supertramp’s
first hit single. Now, 40 years later, “Dreamer” and is still played daily on classic rock radio around the world.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the album which featured the song “Dreamer”, Crime of the Century, has been remastered by Ray Staff and comes with a live recording from 1975 when the band performed at the popular Hammersmith Odeon in London. The live disc has been remastered from the master tapes by Ken Scott. The album is available for purchase on CD, 2CD, 180g vinyl, Blu-Ray, digital formats and as a vinyl box set.
To celebrate the release of this album, Hodgson sat down with www.classicrockrevisited.com and reflected on the album.
It has been 40 years since Crime
of the Century. The
album is famous for the mix
of progressive and pop
musical elements, but I
think the real gems are the
song lyrics on the album. I
think they are brilliant.
Roger: I
would agree with you.
That is always a good way to
start an interview! What in
your mind makes this album
so special?
[laughter] There is a lot
that is known about the
album. I was trying to
think what it was that came
together and made that album
fulfill its potential, as it
did. I think that Rick and
I came of age as songwriters
at that time. We came of
age as separate
The album or
two before that we were
collaborating, which was
fine but, obviously, we
didn’t have a hit album. We
didn’t write any hits,
either. It was when we
started writing separately
that the music became more
personal, and even
autobiographical sometimes,
that we came up with the
depth and the passion that
we achieved on Crime
of the Century. Rick
wrote four fantastic songs
and I was able to match his
songs with four of mine that
I felt really worked in a
forty-minute listening
experience. I have always
been lucky to have a huge
backlog of material, so I
could match my songs with
whatever he came up with.
Are you an anniversary guy,
Roger? Did you think, “Wow,
it has been FORTY years?”
I played four
of those songs live today
and they sound fresh and
vital and they have depth.
I still appreciate the songs
myself. The album has stood
the test of time well and
has not really diminished in
people’s opinion of it. It
really was a very, very well
crafted forty-minute
listening experience, and
that is how I approached
it. We were very blessed to
work with Ken Scott, and I
was like a sponge with him
learning about recording and
experimenting with things in
the studio. It was a lot of
fun to learn the ropes of
recording from him.
Click here for the full
interview ~
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We would love to see you at
a show this year! Our 2015
Tour kicks off this month
with sold out shows in
Brussels, Zurich and Geneva.
If you miss us in January,
we’ll be back in Europe/UK
this summer - Roger Hodgson
& Band
Note from Harmonic
Management: Just a few
tickets remain for the DUO
show in Bremen, Germany on
February 1. If you want to
see Roger before summer, the Musical
Theater Bremen is
your last chance.
Summer shows are confirmed
in Switzerland, Germany,
Austria, France, Holland,
England, Hungary, Norway,
and Spain. Keep watching for
news as more will be added.
News is still to come for
USA and Canada in November -
December 2015!
Find tour details and ticket
links on the Events tab here
on the page or Roger’s site
We invite you to share this
posting with your friends
and sign up for his mailing
list as we are preparing our
January newsletter now! http://rogerhodgson.com/classiclive.html
Photo by Richard Bain
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