Symphony Hall ~ Birmingham, UK ~
May 26, 2013
Hi Roger, just to say a big thankyou for a great show at Birmingham uk tonight,
excellent a massive thankyou for the dedication to my Dad, and was great to meet
you after the show also thanks goes to Linda, a real enjoyable night, hope not
to long before we see you again, sincere thanks, your music will go on and on,
once again sincere thanks and love to you, David Rock
Thanks for a truly wonderful show in Birmingham last night! I'd never been to a
live concert before, and at 18 I was probably one of the youngest there, but I
was singing along and having the time of my life! I ordered an autographed
Classics Live CD for my dad Richard, who was already so happy he was just
speechless! We will definately come back if you return in a few years time, but
until then I shall play Classics Live loud and proud. Thanks for a night to
remember! Simon
Roger That was a brilliant show last night. A fantastic selection of songs and
performed excellently. Thank you for the dedication to Robert for his 60th. As I
said in the email we have never really found common ground on any interests in
life apart from your music so just coming together last night was such a rare
and great moment, so they made it all that bit more of a special night. I've
never had a hug from my dad, I'm lucky if I get a hand shake (that's just who he
is) but last night he was overwhelmed by it all and so touched by the dedication
that he gave me a hug. It's just the little things sometimes that can touch
people and next time you play Birmingham I want to come shake your hand and say
thank you properly. Hope you have a great tour. Again thank you for a brilliant
night. Mark
Great gig tonight at Symphony Hall Birmingham, and converted my wife Sarah as a
fan as well. Come back soon Roger! ~ Paul Rivers
Timeless big WOW:>) ~ Julie Maull
BRILLIANT show Roger - come back to Birmingham SOON!!!! ~ Steph Rudge
Super time tonight so many memories came back especially the first time I saw
you in 79. on brighton peer!! ~ Elaine Sloman
I left Symphony Hall on a " real good " high last night . truly magical
evening :) ~ Simone Tett
Great show at the Symphony Hall last night. Thank You. ~ Mel Boast
Amazing concert last night, I feel bereft today that I am not still there!
Wonderful songs, production and performance - Music that grabs you heart and
soul ~ Shirley Cook
Thank you all for a wonderful show last night, we had a great time. :) ~
Jan Murphy
Thank you Roger for a wonderful concert!! You and your band were fantastic but
remember to switch something off your keyboard when you go to play on your
piano!! ~ Harvey and Jo.
Simply fantastic, nothing more need be said. ~ Taff Handley
Great Gig look forward to your next visit. left the place buzzing ~ Tony
What an absolutely fantastic night. " Hide in your your shell" reduced me to
tears. So very moving. Every song a gem, sung by a musical genius backed by
first class musicians. An honour to have witnessed it. Thankyou Roger. ~
Mick Merrilees
Just come back from seeing you at B'ham, absolutely amazing. I have waited so
long to see you live and you certainly did not disappoint. What a fantastic
concert, I am still rocking. Take care and carry on singing and writing, you one
of the world's best. Love Jayne Lewis
We have seen you at Cropredy and once in Germany at a Night of the Proms thing
in Dortmund. Truly amazing. I can play the chords to Give a Little Bit but I
just can't scan it properly. Tonight at Brum was just sensational - thank you so
much. Ian
Thank you for a brilliant evening, took me right back to being a teenager, when
I saw Crime of the Century tour - the closest I will ever get to time travel!!
Rita x
Another great show at Birminghan. The UK shows have all been different but the
common factor is that the audience just love these shows. I love meeting people
who are attending Roger's show for the first time. We met a couple before the
show who were very excited about the concert. We told them they'd be hooked and
want to see more. At the interval they were blown away by how good the show
was...after the show they were taliking babysitters and whether they could get
tickets at Manchester and it! Marie Coyne
We really enjoyed last night's concert, the sound was amazing and it took us
waaaaaay back!! It was a birthday treat for Peter (53) but I had a treat too
thanks to your fantastic band and your voice gave me shivers up my spine and
back down again wow Looking forward to 2015!! Ruth & Peter Selby
WOW-What a concert at Birmingham Thanks Roger & Band ~ Nick Mason
Stunning show in B'ham last night. Brilliant from start to end. Songs that make
me smile! First show was Manchester Free Trade Hall a million years ago! Its
Raining Again is my youngest daughter's (Carly, 26) favourite song of all
time... sadly she 's in Japan for a couple of years. please get out there for a
show.... Keep rocking! ~ Nic
Hi Roger, Supertramp has been such a big part of my life since being introduced
to the band's music in 1973 when I was 12. Seeing them in concert and following
the tribute band Logicaltramp has always been the musical highlights of my life,
but it was never quite complete without you. Seeing you last night in Birmingham
left me speechless. I had the biggest smile on my face and tear in my eye when
you walked on stage and your performance was out of this world. I wanted to sing
with you at the top of my voice and stand up and dance but unfortunately was sat
up in the top tier! My husband and I talked about the show all the way back home
to Poole in Dorset. I would like to thank my husband Paul for putting up with my
Supertramp obsession for all these years and for my son Scott, who texted me to
inform me of your tour and available tickets. Without them, last night wouldn't
have been possible, and I wouldn't have seen the most amazing performance ever.
Thank you Roger. X ~ Gail Wheeler
Hi Roger, LONG LONG time fan. Got most of your early albums. Great show last
night in Birmingham. Really enjoyed the band backing you. I saw you last time
you played at the symphony and it was a truley memorable occasion I didn't think
would be surpased but it was last night. How about a DVD of this tour to keep me
Keep doing what you do best. ~ Vince
Roger, Great show in Birmingham last night. Always loved Supertramp, saw you
twice at De Montfort Hall, Leicester on Crime and Crisis tours. First time I
have seen you live since, always been esewhere when you were touring, my loss,
great show, great band, great set list. Look forward to seeing you next time you
are in the UK, how about coming back to Leicester? ~
What a great night last night at the Symphony Hall, Birmingham. Great band,
great songs, great voice, great sound. A night to remember for me and my young
son – William. Definitely be back to see you next time. ~ Phillip Hims
Dear Rodger was at Birmingham last night fantastic concert. I wanted to tell you
it brought back special memories for me and my husband Vince. We are now in our
50s and as 15 and 13 year old living opposite each other Vince would try to
impress me by playing Dreamer that loud I could hear it in my house. Well it
worked because 38 years later we are still together. Still childhood sweethearts
in our minds and last night relived special memories with tears in our eyes. We
never thought we would get to see our songs performed live in such a brilliant
way. I hope we can listen to you for another 38 years together, thank you and
all our very best wishes to you. ~ Tina
I would just like to say what a awesome night myself and fiance had at
birmingham last night. Phill has been a huge fan of yourself since the age of
13,and found your music very insperational threw out his life.I have had to
endure many hours of phill playing your music and after seeing you last night
I'm now converted ,again thank you and your band for such a awesome night .
Phill and s
Dear Roger I saw you yesterday in Birmingham I am 19 years old and I'm building
my life as I came here to do a degree in Worcester university. Your music helped
me through and you can make us dream and fight for the impossible . Thank you
for the show you haven't changed at all which makes you a legend. ~ Mariyana
The last few comments are very difficult to match - what beautiful things people
say about the peace, happiness, and love you share Roger. Birmingham was another
wonderful show! You are a true treasure in this world. ~ Jim Amey
Birmingham was our third show in as many days and each show has been completely
different from the others! The sentiment and emotions of the concert goers is
always the same though. Pure awe and raw heartfelt emotion. My highlight from
Birmingham, "the Meaning". The way you all entered the stage and created the
"scene" was just stunning! Looking forward to Liverpool tomorrow! Travel safely
and we will see you there for what I'm sure will be a fourth completely unique
show. ~ Toni Amey
Roger, great show at birmingham last night. You and the band were brilliant.
Breakfast in America takes me back to 1979 and playing this in the car on the
cassette player. A sunny day,windows open. No cd , no mobiles, no girlfriend, no
pressures , great days, great music ,
Best wishes , Mark,
Hi Roger,thank you and all the guys for a wonderful night at the birmingham
symphony hall.
It was great to hear all those songs again live,my wife and i first seen you
with supertramp in the 80s in coventry and the magic is still there now.
Apart from the classic songs it was nice to hear the little played and new songs
that you all seem to enjoy.
Hope you come back soon and enjoy the rest of the tour
~ barry elliman
Hi to Roger and the amazing band!
What a fabulous show last night in 'Brum'. This was our 4th time seeing Roger
and last night was another incredible show. Those songs just get better with age
and lyrics that mean so much to so many. Our thanks to you Roger and to your
wonderful band. We even remembered to bring our brolly this time! (Black brolly
6 rows back!!). Will definitely be there again when you come back although
please, please play 'Only Because of You' and 'Along Came Mary' next time!! Our
very best wishes and huge thanks. ~ Al & Donna
Roger, just a quick thank you for a wonderful evening in Birmingham last night.
Your music brought back great memories for both my wife and I. I could not help
but notice the warmth of the crowd within the Symphony Hall to you and the band.
Great songs performed by a great artist. Also, what a great and talented band
you have working with you, great musicians. Once again, thank you very much.
~ Taff
thanks for the music roger me and the wife were right at the front by you
brilliant show and band were great cant wait to se you again ~ mike
Hi Roger. Thank you so much for the wonderful music last night in Birmingham.
The old songs really stand the test of time and took me back to my late teens.
My daughter is as much a fan of your music as I am, and recently recorded an a
capella version of Lord Is It Mine - one of her favourite songs ever. It is
great to hear your more recent music too. You still create magic in your songs.
A rare gift indeed.
~ Judith
Hi Roger (and the rest of the band) Many thanks for putting on such a great
concert in the Symphony hall in Birmingham last night.
I felt so compelled to write and convey my gratitude to you all as the show was
just perfect.
The acoustics of the venue were amazing, really added this fantastic warmth and
clarity to your performance.
It was great to hear those old and new favorites played in such a close,
intimate venue.
Hope very much to catch you live again in the very near future, and please, do
keep up all the hard work- that performance was one of 'the' very best I've ever
Was such an amazing experience to behold. Thanks again! ~ Craig Johnson
Fantastic concert in Birmingham the place was buzzing. Thank you Roger for a
great time. We love you ~ Voirrey & Graham Jeremiah
Saw you for a second time at Birmingham last night, simple magical, your voice
is as good as ever and the music still fresh. Thanks for a life time of
memories. ~ Bob Reed
Thank you so very much for a glorious concert in Birmingham last night. I have
been infused with your wonderful music all day. You and the brilliant musicians
with you gave us such a treat, so many long-loved favourites that span the
emotions from rejoicing and laughter to aching longing and tears, and others
that were new to me and which I will look forward to hearing again. I last saw
Supertramp in about 1983 from the back row at Earl's Court, London, where you
were a dot in the distance, althought eh atmpsphere was sensational. This time I
was in the front row (much better!) and could see, as well as hear, every note
played. Your Tibetan friend's advice will stay with me. You may not know the
following, which I find very powerful. Einstein said, "If you judge a fish by
its ability to climb trees, it will go through life thinking it is a failure."
Thank you again for a memorable even - hurry back!
~ Caroline Jackson
First time I've seen you, and a great show at Brum. You obviously bother to read
the guest book comments. I wonder how many other acts actually do that? Great
band and superb sound. Were the stage mics out to record for a live album I
wonder? My wife and I ended up dancing in the aisles to It's Raining Again.
Please come back to Symphony hall with the Orchestra - it would be so great to
hear you with it behind you. ~ mark w
Dear Roger and the band....many, many thanks for a superb night of entertainment
last night at the Birmingham Symphony Hall in England. It was wonderful to
finally set eye's on the person responsible for giving me so much pleasure in my
music world - to actually be able to sing along as you sang will be a treasured
moment. For some reason the sound bias was slightly out at the start (where we
were) so my fave - 'Hide in your shell' was hard to hear....and 'the two of us'
had a rest last night - but no worries - it soon seemed to improve and it
provides the perfect reason to see you again on your next UK tour. I'm ready to
Once again...many thanks for your wonderful show (the band members were
fantastic and so were the crew selling the t-shirts! - had a lovely chat) and a
personal Thank-you for the 35 years since I first bought B-in-A - and have been
listening to you ever since. With Kindest Regards. Graham H
Fantastic concert at Birmingham, saw you last time, even better with a great
You sound just as good as when I first saw you in the 70's ~ Adrian
Wonderful show last night in Birmingham. Lady was magical, Death and the zoo an
incredible moment. It was a great surprise to hear the song The meaning.
Thank you Roger for this beautiful evening.
Happy to see you in France in 2014. ~ alice
We saw Roger in Birmingham on Sunday and once again it was fantasic!! Cant wait
for the next UK tour we will definately be there!!. ~ Robert Collins
Was there sunday in birmingham. Wife elizabeth has multiple sclerosis but when
you sang HIDE IN YOUR SHELL a smile came across her face... god bless ~ adrian
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