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A Supertramp on travel

Pleasant: Roger Hodgson at the sold out Beethoven-hall

Translation:  Uwe Nessler

Maybe some things are gaining quality with a distance, even if the two high out-crimped syllables “Dreamer” and the appertaining tapping of semiquaver on the e-piano can still be annoying after three and a half decades. But the times are changing – and Roger Hodgson, “The Voice of Supertramp,” is then hitting the spot however surprisingly very well in sold out Beethoven-hall.

Hodgson, who just turned 59, what the enthusiastic audience caused to a “Happy Birthday” seemed to be loosen. With long hair, white shirt and white scarf he said, that it couldnīt get any better then now. In 1983, he already quit his succesful band to concentrate more on his children and so. Then he fell one day off a tree (sic) on his Californian estate and broke both wrists. Doctors foretold him at that time that he will never be able to play guitar again – and have been mistaken. Time and time again he even took up in the chamber concert the strenous 12-string, sat at the grand piano and also at the keyboard to knead this Supertramp-Sound. Supported by Aaron MacDonald, who lively switched between tenor-, alto- and soprano-saxophone, between Thin-Whistle and melodica plus vibrating bell/rattle and keyboard and also contributed a remarkable second voice.

Apropos: Hodgson himself is still on top, hits the notes spotlessly clean in the highest positions, how generally the duo-performance was close to the original – except the classic “School” where the extra energy of bass, drums and e-guitar was missing. The interspersed pieces from the solo album “Open the Door” do not have to hide behind the lot of hits (“Breakfast in America,” “Give a little bit,” “The logical Song”). Thus an evening that hardly hurt but did good to a lot – if you are refraining from the price of 76 Euros for a parquetseat.