14-07-2009 / 1:20: h 


Antonio Aragón Valladolid, 14 jul (EFE).- El ex líder y co-fundador del mítico grupo Supertramp Roger Hodgson ha repasado hoy en el Patio de la Hospedería de San Benito de Valladolid y a lo largo de dos horas, las canciones más emblemáticas de la banda británica a través de su eterna voz aterciopelada sustentada en un sonido limpio e íntimo.


De esta forma, ha transmitido la espiritualidad de las letras de las canciones que compuso para Supertramp desde que el grupo se fundase en 1969, contactando desde el primer momento con las algo más de ochocientas personas que se dieron cita durante una noche apacible en el recinto vallisoletano para presenciar un concierto enmarcado en el ciclo "Noches en San Benito".


Pertrechado detrás de un piano y escoltado por el músico Aaron MacDonald, magistral tanto en el saxo, como en el teclado, la armónica y los coros, Hodgson ha abierto la velada con "Take the long way home".


Fue el inicio de un recital compuesto por las canciones escritas en su "viaje por la vida", ha dicho, y, tras el, ha recibido la primera ovación de la noche. Después ha bromeado con la pronunciación de Valladolid al tiempo que ha intentado expresarse en castellano.


A renglón seguido, y con la inolvidable "Give a little bit", Hodgson ha logrado expresar su alegre creencia en el amor, en parte merced al animoso sonido de su guitarra, algo que se ha prorrogado con "Lovers in the wind", más dulce y melancólica.


Les ha seguido la nostálgica "Hide in your shell", con una acústica casi adolescente, para, inmediatamente después, reclamar los sencillos silbidos del público e introducir "Easy does it". La respuesta fue tan nítida y acompasada que Hodgson no ha dudado en lanzar un beso.


Entrañable, como la lenta balada "Rosie had everything planned" u otra de las más célebres canciones de Supertramp, "Soapbox Opera", que han precedido a "Along comes mary" y "Sister moonshine".


No obstante, un comedido éxtasis colectivo se ha depositado en el ambiente de San Benito con "Logical song" y "Breakfast in America".

Después, Hodgson ha regresado al piano de cola para interpretar la pasional "Lord is it mine".


Pero con "Child of vision" el ritmo se ha endurecido hasta llegar a la emotiva y desgarradora "Fools Overture", canción con la que los fieles se caldearon definitivamente.


El público se ha levantado de sus asientos y, desde entonces, no se ha sentado con los acordes de "School" y la fresca, divertida e imborrable "It's raining again", que ha clausurado el concierto y ha conseguido que el público de mediana edad allí presente se soltase la melena y bailase con entusiasmo hasta el final. EFE aab/ap


14-07-2009 / 1:20: h



Hodgson revives the successes of Supertramp with an acoustic recital in Valladolid


Antonio Aragon Valladolid, 14 jul (EFE).- The former leader and co-founder of the mythical group Supertramp Roger Hodgson has reviewed today in the Patio of the Hostelry of San Benito of Valladolid and along two hours, the most symbolic songs of the British band through its eternal velvety voice supported in a clean and intimate sound. 


In this way, has transmitted the spirituality of the letters of the songs that composed for Supertramp since the group was founded in 1969, contacting since the first moment with the slightly more than eight hundred people that were given appointment during a peaceful night in the of Valladolid precinct to witness a concert framed in the cycle "Nights in San Benito". 


It supplied behind a piano and escorted by the musician Aaron MacDonald, magisterial so much in the sax, as in the keyboard, the harmonica and the choruses, Hodgson has opened the evening with "Take the long way home". 


It was the start of a composed recital by the songs written in its "trip through the life", has said, and, after the, has received the first ovation at night.  Later it has joked with the pronunciation of Valladolid to the time that has tried to be expressed in Spaniard. 


Immediately following, and with the unforgettable one "Give to little Bit", Hodgson has managed to express its happy belief in the love, in part mercy to the courageous sound of its guitar, something that has been deferred with "Lovers in the wind", sweeter and melancholy. 


The nostalgic one has followed them "Hide in your shell", with an acoustics almost adolescent, for, immediately later, to demand the simple whistles of the public and to introduce "Easy does it".  The answer was so clear and rhythmic that Hodgson has not doubted in launching a kiss. 


Affectionate, as the slow ballad "Rosie had everything planned" or another of the most famous songs of Supertramp, "Soapbox Operates", that have preceded "Along you eat mary" and "Sister moonshine". 


Nevertheless, a courteous collective ecstacy has been placed in the environment of San Benito with "Logical song" and "Breakfast in America". 


Later, Hodgson has returned to the grand piano to interpret the passionate one "Lord is it mine". 


But with "Child of vision" the rhythm has hardened until arriving at the emotional and heartwrenching one "Fools Overture", song with the one that the faithful were heated finally. 


The public has raised itself of its seats and, since then, itself has not sat with the harmonious of "School" and the fresh, amusing and indelible "It' s raining again", that has closed the concert and has obtained that the public of medium there present age freed itself the long hair and danced with enthusiasm to the end.  EFE aab ap