Roger Hodgson of Supertramp at The Paramount
November 12, 2014
By Bob Wilson

Roger Hodgson and friends held court at the Paramount on November 11th, with the singer delving deeply into the entirety of his catalog. Hodgson was supported by his talented four piece backing band. The nineteen song set borrowed from the early days of Supertramp, to Hodgson's solo recordings which began in 1984. The evening opened with 1979's Take the Long Way Home, from Supertramp's blockbuster album Breakfast in America.
Hodgson inquired a few songs in "Where is Zak?" It seems that Zak left a note on Hodgson's online guestbook requesting a rare gem to be played at the show. Due to the request, the affable Hodgson resurrected Sister Moonshine from the 1975 Supertramp offering Crisis What Crisis. The audience of true believers seemed as pleased with the tune as with the gesture for the young fan. Many in attendance seem to have been longtime followers taken by the music, and akin to the singers spiritual journey. The singer exhibits a kind demeanor, and a genuine
appreciation of his fans. Nine songs in, Hodgson announced that the band was
asked to do an intermission for twenty minutes. The band had already played nine songs, spanning seven different Supertramp and solo albums.

The second half opened with 1984's Had a Dream (Sleeping With the Enemy), and the audience was drawn right back into the flow. Hodgson informed the audience, "I've got a New York cold" and that he was "up all night nursing himself". He was concerned this would affect his performance, but he need not have fretted. The home remedies worked like a charm, as the singer provided a high energy show with fine vocal output. The last time around at Westbury in 2013, the singer had played only keyboard. This time round, he also played copious numbers on both acoustic and electric guitars, even offering some solo work. Highlights included Lord is it Mine, Child of Vision, The Awakening, and Dreamer. Encores offered were Two of Us, and Give a Little Bit, from Supertramp's 1977 album Even in the Quietest Moments.

The Paramount is Huntington is rated among the elite clubs in the world, and the singer voiced his agreement to such from the stage. Roger Hodgson will continue his tour through Canada and into Europe, moving into 2015. His tour supports the cause of Tickets For Troops, and numerous veterans were honored from the stage for Veterans Day. Rock fans would be wise to catch a red hot show, even when the singer is battling a cold.
Roger Hodgson – 12-String Guitar, Grand Piano, Keyboard, Lead Vocals
Aaron Macdonald - Sax, Harmonica, Melodica, Harmonies
Bryan Head - Drums
Kevin Adamson - Keyboards, Harmonies
David J Carpenter – Bass, Harmonies
Words by Bob Wilson
Photographs by Wayne Herrschaft