Roger Hodgson encandiló Lima con la magia de Supertramp


13 de abril de 2012 01:46 actualizado a las 02:00



El exvocalista de la legendaria agrupación Supertramp emocionó e hizo saltar de sus asientos a cerca de 3000 fanáticos limeños que acudieron a su concierto en el Centro de Convenciones del Hotel María Angola en Miraflores. Fueron casi dos horas en las que el recinto se transformó en una auténtica fiesta llena de recuerdos, emociones y buena música de la época dorada del rock. Temas clásicos de Supertramp como "School", "Hide in your Shell", "Breakfast in America", "Lord is it mine", "It's raining again", entre otros, fueron coreadas por una multitud que -tal como sucedió hace 3 años- se deleitó con la clase y maestría de Hodgson.

Foto: Terra Perú - Patricia Altamirano




Please note that translated quotes are often not Roger's exact words - this may be a rough translation and the article may contain some inaccuracies.


Roger Hodgson  dazzled Lima by the magic of Supertramp


April 13, 2012


The former lead singer of the legendary band Supertramp excited and popped out of their seats about 3000 fans who attended Lima concert at the Convention Center Hotel Maria Angola in Miraflores. After nearly two hours in which the venue was transformed into a real feast full of memories, emotions and music from the golden age of rock. Supertramp classics as "School", "Hide in your Shell", "Breakfast in America", "Lord is it mine", "It's raining again", among others, were chanted by a crowd that, as happened three years ago, was delighted with the class and mastery of Hodgson.

Photo: Terra Perú - Patricia Altamirano
